Public Relations

Do you include public relations as part of your marketing operations? If you don’t, you should.

So what do we mean by public relations? According to the Public Relations Society of America, “public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.” Sounds pretty vague, eh? I would agree.

Overall, the goal of public relations is to build goodwill with the public. In other words, show that you are more than just a seller of goods or services. You do this by publicizing “other activities” undertaken by the organization.

So what are some activities that fall under the guise of public relations? Here is a brief list:

  • Company donations: you donated to a charity? Let people know.

  • Charitable work: you volunteered time for a service project? Publicize it.

  • Promotions/hirings: someone has moved up or into the organization? Spread the word.

  • Sustainability: you are committed to “doing good” for the world around you? Inform the public.

  • Crisis management: something bad happened? Publicize your commitment to fixing the problem.

There are many other activities to promote via public relations. But no matter the activity, the ultimate goal is to get others to publicize for you. You can promote these activities heavily on social media and your website. You can also send out press releases to outlets who could possibly disseminate the information to their audiences. No matter the method you use, the generated attention is good for your business.